It has been our experience that airlines do a great job ensuring that our California Karelians travel safely and comfortably. We have had airport security and airline crew members take a very special interest in our traveling California Karelians. Above, our puppies always seem to receive extra attention. However, some preparation is needed.
Vet Visit
We schedule a health checkup shortly before the scheduled departure date. For domestic flights (within the U.S.), the health certificate must be dated within 10 days of departure; for international flights, the time frame is 36 hours.
Puppies can be shipped once they reach nine weeks of age, after having received both their six- and nine-week vaccinations.
Our vet also provides a certificate of acclimation, specifying the temperature range within which the dog can safely travel, as required by the airlines.
Flight arrangements
Before making the flight reservation, it is important to consider the travel temperatures that your dog may encounter. For example, you do not want your dog arriving on the airport ramp when the temperature is too hot.
Depending on flight duration, you may want to schedule an early flight, so the puppy will arrive during daylight hours (rather than at night, which may be scarier for the puppy).
If we are delivering a puppy to you, you will need to email us the flight confirmation so that we can present a copy upon departure. We will purchase the proper size travel carrier, in accordance with airline specifications. (The cost of the carrier is the responsibility of the new owner.) We generally plan to get the puppy to the airport 1-1/2 to 2 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Airport sendoff
The size of the travel kennel is not only important, it is the law. Your dog has to able to stand up and turn around comfortably in the travel crate. A leash should be taped to the top of the kennel, just in case the dog needs to be moved out of the crate. The dog should always travel with a flat collar, never a prong collar.
Even on a short flight, food can be taped to the top of the crate, which is especially handy should there be a delay in the travel schedule. Clip a water bowl on the inside of the crate's door. Water will be added to the bowl by the airline crew. Anything else that needs to travel with the dog can be taped to the top of the crate.