Advisor of PADS, Curator of R-PADS and Member of Editorial Board of R-PADS Newsletter
Vladimir Beregovoy graduated from Penn State University as a biologist in 1960. He defended his dissertation in 1964 and was awarded a Degree of Candidate of Sciences from the Institute of Biology, Uralian Branch of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, where he worked as a zoologist. He was teaching at the Kuban State University, Krasnodar. During his work as a zoologist, he traveled in Ural, West Siberia, Volga River region, Kazakhstan and North Caucasus.
In 1979, Vladimir immigrated with his family to Vienna, Austria and in 1980 to Oregon, USA. He worked on series of research projects in North Dakota State University and in 1989 accepted a position as Senior Agriculturist in the Department of Entomology, Oklahoma State University, where he worked until retirement in 2000.
From 1991 to 1996, he imported five West Siberian Laikas, three males and two females, as the foundation stock of this newly introduced breed in North America. Currently, he is retired and lives with his wife, Emma, and their favorite Laikas on a small, 90-acre farm in Virginia.
Vladimir has published several articles in popular magazines and two books: Primitive Breeds-Perfect Dogs and Hunting Laika Breeds of Russia.
Vladimir has very generously shared photographs with us, so that we may share them with you; photos that help make the history of the Karelian Bear Dog come alive. During the first population census, when Communists took power in Russia, Naumov and Girshfeld used their cameras while traveling across Siberia and left priceless documents about the lives of native peoples in 20th century Russia. |

Above, Vladimir Beregovoy with his West Siberian Laika, Alik.