Tweezers – use to remove ticks (after removing, disinfect with alcohol pads)
Benadryl cream and pills - uses: bee stings and allergic reactions (take 1 tablet or 25 mg)
Brush – use to remove foxtails, which can be inhaled and lodged in the ear canal or between the toes; can puncture the skin and cause infection; can cause damage to vital organs if ingested (violent sneezing and snorting is an indication) |
Sponge – use for bathing dogs after possible poison ivy/oak contact or skunk spray
Tecnu soap – use as an outdoor cleanser to remove plant oil from your skin.
Deet – mix one cap of the oil with one pint of water in a spray bottle to treat insect bites (apply a cold compress to the area and spray it with Benadryl spray to relieve the itch and pain) |
Insect spray (ready to use and leak-proof)
Cortisone – usd for poison oak (can cause topical irritations on hairless areas of dog’s body; apply to relieve pain)
Soap - for general use or to wash off possible poison oak
Credit card - use to scrape stingers out
Hemostat forcepts |